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docker-compose Plugin

Bianbu NAS uses the docker-compose tool to deploy Docker services. When a single container is insufficient for the application’s runtime environment, docker-compose allows for easy definition and management of multiple containers.

Starting the Docker Daemon

Before creating a Docker service instance, ensure that the Docker daemon is running. Follow these steps to start the Docker service:

  1. Mount the disk and create shared folders, with at least three shared folders.
  2. Download the compose plugin, and then view it on the “Services” page.
  3. Go to “Services -> Compose -> Settings,” select the shared folders, and start the Docker service.


Creating a Docker Service Instance

Using the Filebrowser program (an open-source web-based file management tool) as an example, here’s how to create and access a Docker service instance on Bianbu NAS.

  • Go to “Services -> Compose -> Files” and click “➕” to add a docker-compose.yml file:


Fill in the following content:

version: '3.8'

container_name: filebrowser
- ./filebrowser_data:/srv # Mount the files to the host directory
- ./filebrowser_config:/config # Configuration file directory
- "8080:8080" # Map port 8080 to the container's port 8080
restart: unless-stopped

After filling in the content, click "Save" and wait for the docker-compose.yml file format to be checked. Once verified, click the "⬆️" button to pull the service.


If the Docker image is not available locally, the first pull may take longer. Once completed, access Filebrowser via https://HOST_IP:8080 with the default username and password admin.

docker-compose Command Overview

  • docker-compose up


Parse the docker-compose.yml file, pull images (if not available locally), create networks, containers, and volumes, then start the service.

  • docker-compose stop


Stop running containers while preserving their state and data, which can be restored using the docker-compose up command.

  • docker-compose down


Stop containers and remove related data such as containers, networks, and volumes. This cannot be restored using the docker-compose up command.

  • View service logs
