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Bianbu 1.0 ROOTFS Create

Environment Requirements

The host machine is recommended to be Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 with Docker CE and a custom version of qemu-user-static (8.0.4) installed, which has Vector 1.0 support enabled by default.


For Docker CE installation, refer to


  1. Remove binfmt-support

    The custom version of qemu-user-static conflicts with binfmt-support because binfmt-support provides a traditional SysVinit startup script /etc/init.d/binfmt-support, whereas the custom qemu-user-static provides a systemd unit file /lib/systemd/system/systemd-binfmt.service. The /etc/init.d/binfmt-support runs later, overriding the systemd settings.

    sudo apt-get purge binfmt-support
  2. Download the custom qemu

  3. Install the custom qemu

    sudo dpkg -i qemu-user-static_8.0.4+dfsg-1ubuntu3.23.10.1_amd64.deb
  4. Register qemu-user-static with the kernel so that RISC-V binaries can be executed system-wide, including inside containers.

    sudo systemctl restart systemd-binfmt.service
  5. Verify if qemu-user-static is registered successfully

    chmod a+x rvv

    If you see the following output, registration is successful:


Prepare the Base RootFS

  1. Create a working directory

    mkdir ~/bianbu-workspace
  2. Create and start a container

    docker run --privileged -itd -v ~/bianbu-workspace:/mnt --name build-bianbu-rootfs ubuntu:24.04
  3. Enter the container

    docker exec -it -w /mnt build-bianbu-rootfs bash
  4. Install basic tools

    apt-get update
    apt-get -y install wget uuid-runtime
  5. Set environment variables for ease of use in subsequent commands

    export BASE_ROOTFS_URL=
    export BASE_ROOTFS=$(basename "$BASE_ROOTFS_URL")
    export TARGET_ROOTFS=rootfs
  6. Download

  7. Extract to a specified directory

    mkdir -p $TARGET_ROOTFS && tar -zxpf $BASE_ROOTFS -C $TARGET_ROOTFS
  8. Mount system resources into the rootfs

    mount -t proc /proc $TARGET_ROOTFS/proc
    mount -t sysfs /sys $TARGET_ROOTFS/sys
    mount -o bind /dev $TARGET_ROOTFS/dev
    mount -o bind /dev/pts $TARGET_ROOTFS/dev/pts

Necessary Configuration

Configure the Source Repositories

  1. Set environment variables for ease of use in subsequent commands

    export DIST=mantic
    export REPO=""
    export VERSION="v1.0.13"
  2. Install the repository's GPG key

    wget -O $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/share/keyrings/bianbu-archive-keyring-mantic.gpg
    wget -O $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/bianbu-archive-keyring-mantic.gpg
  3. Configure sources.list

    cat <<EOF | tee $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/apt/sources.list
    # $DIST
    deb [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
    # deb-src [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted

    # $DIST-security
    deb [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST-security/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
    # deb-src [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST-security/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
  4. Configure sources.list.d/bianbu.list

    cat <<EOF | tee $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/apt/sources.list.d/bianbu.list
    # $DIST-spacemit
    deb [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST-spacemit/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
    # deb-src [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST-spacemit/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted

    # $DIST-porting
    deb [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST-porting/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
    # deb-src [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST-porting/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted

    # $DIST-customization
    deb [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST-customization/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
    # deb-src [trusted=yes] https://$REPO/ $DIST-customization/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
  5. Set package source priorities

    cat <<EOF | tee $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/apt/preferences.d/bianbu
    Package: *
    Pin: release o=Spacemit, n=mantic-spacemit
    Pin-Priority: 1200

    Package: *
    Pin: release o=Spacemit, n=mantic-porting
    Pin-Priority: 1100

    Package: *
    Pin: release o=Spacemit, n=mantic-customization
    Pin-Priority: 1100

Configure DNS

echo "nameserver" >$TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/resolv.conf
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "apt-get -y install ca-certificates"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "apt-get update"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --allow-downgrades upgrade"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --allow-downgrades install initramfs-tools"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --allow-downgrades install bianbu-esos img-gpu-powervr k1x-vpu-firmware k1x-cam spacemit-uart-bt spacemit-modules-usrload opensbi-spacemit u-boot-spacemit linux-image-6.1.15"

Install Metapackage

Different variants have different metapackages:

  • Minimal: bianbu-minimal
  • Desktop: bianbu-desktop, bianbu-desktop-zh, bianbu-desktop-en, bianbu-desktop-minimal-en, bianbu-standard, bianbu-development
  • NAS: bianbu-nas

Here's an example for creating the minimal variant:

chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --allow-downgrades install bianbu-minimal"

General Configuration

Configure Locale

chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "apt-get -y install locales"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo \"locales locales/locales_to_be_generated multiselect en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8, zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8\" | debconf-set-selections"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo \"locales locales/default_environment_locale select zh_CN.UTF-8\" | debconf-set-selections"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "sed -i 's/^# zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales"

Configure Time Zone

chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo 'tzdata tzdata/Areas select Asia' | debconf-set-selections"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo 'tzdata tzdata/Zones/Asia select Shanghai' | debconf-set-selections"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "rm /etc/timezone"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "rm /etc/localtime"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive tzdata"

Configure NTP Server

sed -i 's/^#NTP=.*/' $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf

Set Password

chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo root:bianbu | chpasswd"

Configure Network (Optional)

If you only installed the minimal (bianbu-minimal) metapackage, network configuration should be done using Netplan:

cat <<EOF | tee $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: true
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "chmod 600 /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml"

Generate Partition Images

Before proceeding to create the images, make sure to unmount all mounts:

mount | grep "$TARGET_ROOTFS/proc" > /dev/null && umount -l $TARGET_ROOTFS/proc
mount | grep "$TARGET_ROOTFS/sys" > /dev/null && umount -l $TARGET_ROOTFS/sys
mount | grep "$TARGET_ROOTFS/dev/pts" > /dev/null && umount -l $TARGET_ROOTFS/dev/pts
mount | grep "$TARGET_ROOTFS/dev" > /dev/null && umount -l $TARGET_ROOTFS/dev

Generate UUID and write to /etc/fstab:

cat >$TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/fstab <<EOF
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
UUID=$UUID_ROOTFS / ext4 defaults,noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
UUID=$UUID_BOOTFS /boot ext4 defaults 0 2

Move boot to another directory to create separate bootfs and rootfs partitions:

mkdir -p bootfs
mv $TARGET_ROOTFS/boot/* bootfs

Create bootfs.ext4 and rootfs.ext4:

mke2fs -d bootfs -L bootfs -t ext4 -U $UUID_BOOTFS bootfs.ext4 "256M"
mke2fs -d $TARGET_ROOTFS -L rootfs -t ext4 -N 524288 -U $UUID_ROOTFS rootfs.ext4 "2048M"

At this point, you will have two partition images, bootfs.ext4 and rootfs.ext4, which can be flashed to a board using fastboot.

Create Firmware

See Firmware Creation Guide.